Albany Development

The project site included a challenging topography with steep contours and a multi-directional land slope. The management of stormwater was a bit tricky too. In this context, the purpose of the master plan was to accommodate a mixed density of housing comprehensively.
The design adopted a balanced approach in creating level building platforms and transport connectivity throughout the site to address land topography as efficiently as possible without creating more than minor adverse environmental effects. The extent of building platforms was restricted on the steep part of the site by proposing apartment blocks with smaller footprints and increased floor area at upper levels. The flatter part of the site included more widespread footprints for terraces and small-lot detached units. The vehicle access has been restricted too by creating group parking on flatter surfaces to avoid individual dwellings and vehicle access on steep land. Instead, the master plan offered more importance to pedestrian connectivity with ramps and steps to ensure appropriate connectivity.
An integrated network of communal pocket parks, stormwater reserves and pedestrian and roading connectivity has established the backbone of the development. This network has been designed to preserve the site's natural features, including vegetation, and avoid excessive earthworks and high retaining walls. This network then establishes a particular lot layout to accommodate various types and sizes of building footprints. The stormwater reserves/ponds have been placed in publicly visible locations to offer a functional interface.