Takapuna Coastal Development
A coastal site in Takapuna required a feasibility investigation before undertaking its detailed design. The purpose of the feasibility study was to identify an outline of a future master plan for the site. The study has identified that the objectives of this concept masterplan vision are to :
Utilise a compelling set of urban design principles and place-making techniques to implement the proposed development.
Identify land use opportunities for a mix of high-density housing on the site in the form of mid to high rise apartments, hotels {with about 200 managed apartments and a hotel of 4 to 4.5 stars), market housing with a limited number of mixed-use facilities including cafe/restaurants, retail and other commercial spaces. The expected total gross floor area of various buildings within site is 70,000 sqm.
Confirm the overall bulk and location of various built forms within site.
Enhance the economic, social and environmental viability of the coastal edge of the site.
Ensure the proposed development's visual and aesthetic qualities, amenity, and liveability.
Effectively capitalise on opportunities and address likely constraints of the site.
Improve accessibility, connectivity and legibility for an integrated movement and open space network within site for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
Ensure a staged development with flexibility in the subdivision and building block layouts.